Image courtesy of New Mexico TRUE

Code of Conduct

Conference attendees, both in-person and virtual, are asked to assist SSA in creating a “community of practice,” built on a foundation of trust, respect, optimism, and authenticity.  This community is inclusive of all regardless of race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, gender identity, age, sexual orientation, marital status, ability, educational level or stage of professional development. 

When we come together, physically and in virtual spaces, for this annual meeting:

  • We agree to willingly connect with other participants to generate a learning environment that nurtures, educates, and shares our collective wisdom. We strive to critique ideas, rather than individuals.
  • We will actively listen to fellow participants and engage thoughtfully and respectfully with one another.  We will make space for other ideas and opinions.  
  • We will work to ensure that all participants have time to speak and are encouraged to do so if they wish, recognizing each person’s comfort level in participating.  We will be aware of our own level of participation, recognizing when it is time to grant space for other voices to join the conversation.
  • We will be mindful of the privacy of others when sharing strategies we take from these interactions and will understand when colleagues are limited in the information they can share. 
  • We will be sensitive to the anxieties and concerns of our colleagues and offer solidarity and support wherever it is sought.
  • We will refrain from demeaning, discriminatory, or harassing behavior and speech, along with inappropriate photography or recording.
  • We will call out disrespectful and/or harmful behavior when needed. 
  • When we make mistakes, we will acknowledge that what we said was harmful, apologize, and learn.